Blog posts

recent activity!
Hi   I've not posted for a while (again!) been so busy with the project. I managed to almost finish scanning everything and had a mad 2 weeks where I was cleaning up the scanned 35mm images using photoshop for ours every day. I'd like to say the hard part is over but it's really not, thats the easy part,...  show more
week 1 (I'm starting again)
Things are looking up! we have the images from the exhibition and they will be up here soon. I started my first tutorial last week and I have a few more this week and next. I think it will be quite exciting to start assisting others in their work, it doesn't seem 5 minutes since I was in third year,...  show more
I've lost track, I've never been good at keeping a diary, we had an EXHIBiTION in gallery North project space, northumbria. it was well attended, gonna get some photos up here soon. also had a few meeting with a few people, turns out I dont have enough images at the minute, well I do but not produced, I'll get that...  show more
week 5-7, I'm back tracking here you may have guessed
Hey!   everything is scanned, I have a new Imac and so much work to do, I've again been camped out in in front of the flextight for whole days stopping only for a toastie and coffee. It was great, there was a radio for a while but someone has taken it away. no ide why, seems unfair. The Digital...  show more
week 3-4
Since the last post I've moved studios, somewhere warmer which is good, but smaller which isn;t so good, loads of walla space though. Mostly I've been living in the digital suite, scanning scanning constantly which is getting quite repetitive, wish I had more time to do some editing and photoshop but I expect its best I get everything scanned before moving on and...  show more
week 1
I've a studio space, and I've put some work up and settled in. This week I've been mostly in the digital sauite scanning negatives and cleaning them up. So far I've applied to the Brighton photo Biennial Portfolio Review Day and  a call for artists at the Newcastle under Lyme Museum Gallery for a future exhibition on the sea, which...  show more