Previous AA2A Artist

Melissa Bliss

I work with people and place. I will be developing a project in the Millbank area where Chelsea College is situated
Project summary:

I am a London-based artist. My work explores people’s relationship to place and I often work in collaboration with people in a particular geographic area. I work across different media and have previously created sound installations, scratch and sniff films, bingo games and guided walks. I am often commissioned by festivals to create work in and for a specific locality.

I will use the AA2A opportunity to develop a project in and about Millbank where Chelsea College is situated. This area includes Tate Britain, social and private housing, government ministries and local shops and businesses. It was previously the site of the Royal Army medical College, Millbank prison, market gardens and glue-making. I will work with the personal and institutional resonances in the lives of people who live and work in the area now.

My interest in Millbank started during 2010 when I worked with older residents to use digital photography and Google Maps to create.narratives about the area. I will build on these previous relationships to make new work.

I am a London-based artist. My work explores people’s relationship to place and I often work in collaboration with people in a particular geographic area. I work across different media and have previously created sound installations, scratch and sniff films, bingo games and guided walks. I am often commissioned by festivals to create work in and for a specific locality.

I will use the AA2A opportunity to develop a project in and about Millbank where Chelsea College is situated. This area includes Tate Britain, social and private housing, government ministries and local shops and businesses. It was previously the site of the Royal Army medical College, Millbank prison, market gardens and glue-making. I will work with the personal and institutional resonances in the lives of people who live and work in the area now.

My interest in Millbank started during 2010 when I worked with older residents to use digital photography and Google Maps to create.narratives about the area. I will build on these previous relationships to make new work.

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