Engage Artist

Altea Grau Vidal

sculpture, printmaking, film
University of Hertfordshire
book arts, abstraction, narration, contemporary printmaking
Social link:
alteagrau (instagram)
Project summary:

In my art practice, the time at the studio, the handling and manipulation of materials and a process based development, are the characteristics of my procedures. I like to experiment with the processes and push the limits of materials and techniques; it is why I usually develop projects that combine prints with moving images, drawings or small 3D structures.  In my research, I approach and reflect on the notion of ‘double page’ as a space for thinking. The double page spread is for me an extended and independent space, a place to develop a site-specific practice. It is a site where the materialities of image, text, ink and paper coexist. I create artworks that try to evoke a different dialogue with the reading of the page, that aim to unmask and question the conventions associated with it, for example the typography. My intention is to generate meaning through symbolic signification, enhancing the material qualities, substrates, signs and traces of the verbal messages, to challenge the attempts of reading. To explore the meaning that emerges from the engagement with the visual, spatial, material and connotative properties of the double page.

In Against Syntax, my aim is to investigate how the notion of double page extends its signification through meaningful materiality and space. The title of the project wish to appeal to the double significance of the words: ‘against’ means ‘facing something’ but it also means being in ‘contact with’; syntax is the way in which words are combined and the relationship established between them. By being in that edge of ambiguity my purpose is to create a series of works that explore new forms of engagement with the reading of the artwork.

In my art practice, the time at the studio, the handling and manipulation of materials and a process based development, are the characteristics of my procedures. I like to experiment with the processes and push the limits of materials and techniques; it is why I usually develop projects that combine prints with moving images, drawings or small 3D structures.  In my research, I approach and reflect on the notion of ‘double page’ as a space for thinking. The double page spread is for me an extended and independent space, a place to develop a site-specific practice. It is a site where the materialities of image, text, ink and paper coexist. I create artworks that try to evoke a different dialogue with the reading of the page, that aim to unmask and question the conventions associated with it, for example the typography. My intention is to generate meaning through symbolic signification, enhancing the material qualities, substrates, signs and traces of the verbal messages, to challenge the attempts of reading. To explore the meaning that emerges from the engagement with the visual, spatial, material and connotative properties of the double page.

In Against Syntax, my aim is to investigate how the notion of double page extends its signification through meaningful materiality and space. The title of the project wish to appeal to the double significance of the words: ‘against’ means ‘facing something’ but it also means being in ‘contact with’; syntax is the way in which words are combined and the relationship established between them. By being in that edge of ambiguity my purpose is to create a series of works that explore new forms of engagement with the reading of the artwork.

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