Previous AA2A Artist

Nick Walters

Enjoying drawing again!!
Nathan Ford
Project summary:

New Statement:

Finding my way back to art practise.  Embracing, discovering the depth in the moment.  Finding the magic of simply stopping.. and drawing, painting, responding to the quiet intensity of the intimacy ..

Spend a lot of time being creative for others - either for a pure art communication - in my degree - or later - in the workplace - as a designer, a 'creative' - always felt uncomfortable selling myself as a creative - I think thats why I avoided it - and felt happier as a 'developer' ..

But then sometimes feel like I'm squeezing myself into a box that I'm not really built for.. Creativity, is creativity.. And it doesn't fit that easily into boxes.. and we all have to make a living..:) So I think currently in a process of identifying the different ways that my creativity plays itself out in my life.. And it has been easier to 'empathise' than to simply create from a place of my center..

Also - below I'm saying about art in the streets, etc.. Duchamp - yes, but, there is a special magic, like when you go to church, that happens in a gallery - I discovered in the recent exhibition - a unique space is created, a physical, real space in a building.. where the viewer is invited to pause, to contemplate, etc.. Just that act of being in a different physical space, that is controlled by the artist.. Is a unique and powerful displacement..


Original Statement:

[I graduated from University of Plymouth Fine Art, in Exeter, 20 years ago -aaaaargh, help - pre- internet - seems so wierd - 

I was and still am fascinated by technology and art, and sexuality, identity - and begun an exploration into masculinity, sex, cars, consumer pop culture, sound, etc..

My degree show was an installation involving a ford capri, a telephone sex line - and a genius combination of a commodore 64 computer, crude tape loops, a relay board from maplin..

it kind've kick-started a career exploring new and applying technology to artistic and creative concepts.. I now spend most of my time developing web-sites and 'apps' for a variety of really interesting agencies and private individuals..

I have always loved Duchamp. pop-art and the whole continuing diaolgue of using boorwed objects and techniques from the 'reality' outside the art school/gallery bubble and using them to tell really interesting stories..]

New Statement:

Finding my way back to art practise.  Embracing, discovering the depth in the moment.  Finding the magic of simply stopping.. and drawing, painting, responding to the quiet intensity of the intimacy ..

Spend a lot of time being creative for others - either for a pure art communication - in my degree - or later - in the workplace - as a designer, a 'creative' - always felt uncomfortable selling myself as a creative - I think thats why I avoided it - and felt happier as a 'developer' ..

But then sometimes feel like I'm squeezing myself into a box that I'm not really built for.. Creativity, is creativity.. And it doesn't fit that easily into boxes.. and we all have to make a living..:) So I think currently in a process of identifying the different ways that my creativity plays itself out in my life.. And it has been easier to 'empathise' than to simply create from a place of my center..

Also - below I'm saying about art in the streets, etc.. Duchamp - yes, but, there is a special magic, like when you go to church, that happens in a gallery - I discovered in the recent exhibition - a unique space is created, a physical, real space in a building.. where the viewer is invited to pause, to contemplate, etc.. Just that act of being in a different physical space, that is controlled by the artist.. Is a unique and powerful displacement..


Original Statement:

[I graduated from University of Plymouth Fine Art, in Exeter, 20 years ago -aaaaargh, help - pre- internet - seems so wierd - 

I was and still am fascinated by technology and art, and sexuality, identity - and begun an exploration into masculinity, sex, cars, consumer pop culture, sound, etc..

My degree show was an installation involving a ford capri, a telephone sex line - and a genius combination of a commodore 64 computer, crude tape loops, a relay board from maplin..

it kind've kick-started a career exploring new and applying technology to artistic and creative concepts.. I now spend most of my time developing web-sites and 'apps' for a variety of really interesting agencies and private individuals..

I have always loved Duchamp. pop-art and the whole continuing diaolgue of using boorwed objects and techniques from the 'reality' outside the art school/gallery bubble and using them to tell really interesting stories..]

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