Film Shoots, cables and dressing up

Annette Pugh 8 years ago

Having now started my photographic project at Coventry University, I am beginning to get to grips with a range of projectors, equipment and resources. The work that I am developing takes the form of a series of journeys never made; a set of faked film stills depicting a restless figure, passing through, but never remaining in one location. The images allude to a narrative, to time and place. Victor Burgin's 'Fiction Film', Breton's 'Nadja' and Bas Jan Ader's 'In Search of the Miraculous' are just some of the works that currently occupy my thoughts. 

In the studio, I am combining pre-existing archive materials with staged shots, re-photographing and using low technology to produce filmic stills. I have just completed my first staged photo shoot, to recreate scenes and sections from archival slides and have begun the process of editing and selecting a series of initial images to recreate in a higher quality format. Already I can see how access to equipment and space are taking my work forward, enabling more ambitious and complex pieces to be generated. So far so good.