mid point week

lately i'm aware of a bit of a shift within my well being.  it's a combination of things.  i viewed the staff exhibition in the bonnington gallery, with a specific peice to view, made by robert the technician in the sound studio.  i feel that describing robert as technician is understating the gentleman's ability and talent.  i enjoyed spending time with his sound sculpture.  i enjoyed spending time in the gallery and for the first time the notion of enquiry made sense.  i know that might sound a little far fetched, but in my slow processing of information way, it has taken me a long time to understand where enquiry sits.  

i have had an opportunity to test this notion of enquiry out with an ma student, whom i met last year in the sound studio.  he's working on a new piece and invited me to see the work as it was and comment on what i thought.  with my new found understanding of where enquiry sits within an academic sphere, i was able to view the work and chat with him in a way that he later told me was very useful and insightful.  i enjoyed the experience very much.

it's taken me a long time to settle into the residency.  

one aspect of the residency at ntu that seems to be unique to ntu are sessions with a mentor.  we had our second session last week.  the sessions provide 1:1 discussions, an opportuntity to meet with the technicians and a group discussion.  our meeting was the same day as an artist talk by juneau projects, so three of us visited that too.  i've not been to a formal artist talk of that nature for a while and i'm really pleased with myself for being confident enough to be true to myself and critical enough of the talk to be able to gain something from the experience.

i continue to work in the sound studio.

my reflection at the mid point is that when i began the residency i was slightly without head, and so i was a headless chicken.  now the head has been drawn in and i see things more clearly, and as a result am calmer and more centred.