Previous AA2A Artist

Andrew Mason

hand built ceramics focussing on assymetric form with bold textured surface.
My influences are often derived from the natural environment
Project summary:

My medium of choice is ceramics.  Like many other applied artists the material and processes I use are an integral part of my artistic expression and as such present a continual challenge and creative focus.  For 19 years I ran my studio generating an income from a craft /design / production-led output of ceramics.  Occasional teaching and facilitating workshops formed part of my professional practice – this aspect has taken centre stage for the past six years.
The AA2A scheme will allow me rekindle my studio practice and enter a new phase.  An approach of creative investigation, outside of my usual studio, will allow me to break away from familiar procedures and processes that I have hitherto employed within my studio practice, enabling a fresh approach as an imperative.  A theme that is currently at the early development stage will be expanded into a cohesive body of work involving making of ceramics on a medium to large (domestic) scale using some original making techniques.   Bold texture and assymetric form will convey the expressive sculptural elements of the work marking a significant departure from work previously produced.  In addition I may take the opportunity to use both wood and metal as a supporting medium to augment a particular aesthetic vision.  I am open to, and excited by, the prospect of unknown creative outcomes unfolding during the AA2A programme and beyond.
I intend to promote, exhibit and sell this new body of work through established outlets for contemporary ceramics, thus gradually developing a new artistic identity.

My medium of choice is ceramics.  Like many other applied artists the material and processes I use are an integral part of my artistic expression and as such present a continual challenge and creative focus.  For 19 years I ran my studio generating an income from a craft /design / production-led output of ceramics.  Occasional teaching and facilitating workshops formed part of my professional practice – this aspect has taken centre stage for the past six years.
The AA2A scheme will allow me rekindle my studio practice and enter a new phase.  An approach of creative investigation, outside of my usual studio, will allow me to break away from familiar procedures and processes that I have hitherto employed within my studio practice, enabling a fresh approach as an imperative.  A theme that is currently at the early development stage will be expanded into a cohesive body of work involving making of ceramics on a medium to large (domestic) scale using some original making techniques.   Bold texture and assymetric form will convey the expressive sculptural elements of the work marking a significant departure from work previously produced.  In addition I may take the opportunity to use both wood and metal as a supporting medium to augment a particular aesthetic vision.  I am open to, and excited by, the prospect of unknown creative outcomes unfolding during the AA2A programme and beyond.
I intend to promote, exhibit and sell this new body of work through established outlets for contemporary ceramics, thus gradually developing a new artistic identity.

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