Previous AA2A Artist

Alison Lowry

During my AA2A residency I am investigating where memory comes from within the brain, with the help of medical researchers from Kings College London.
Based in Northern Ireland
Silvia Levenson
Project summary:

My background is predominately in textiles. But in 2008, during my final year of my BA course in Art and Design at the University of Ulster I began to work with glass. I immediately fell in love with it as a material and I have worked with it ever since. My textile influence is still apparent in some of my pieces and my practice is concerned with how objects can become containers for memory.


My background is predominately in textiles. But in 2008, during my final year of my BA course in Art and Design at the University of Ulster I began to work with glass. I immediately fell in love with it as a material and I have worked with it ever since. My textile influence is still apparent in some of my pieces and my practice is concerned with how objects can become containers for memory.


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