Previous AA2A Artist

Suzanne Patterson

Project summary:

Artist's original project proposal - "My work is based round the idea of using multiples; I work in the medium of drawing, installation and sculpture. I have used text and codes in previous shows as a way of examining languages and how people react to different forms of expression. With all my ideas, it usually starts out being explored in 2D form and then will evolve into sculpture.

When working in any medium I like to let the space dictate to a certain degree what the work is going to be and how it will be viewed. This has become more apparent in my later work at the Go Away gallery, the idea was conceived when I was shown the space and was able to work in it, I had a similar experience with the Generise project. I find it easier to create work when I can visualize how it will be displayed.

I enjoy trying to push the boundaries of creating and exhibiting work, I have had the benefit of exhibiting in a traditional exhibition space such as the Egg Space and the PR1 gallery but I have also been given the chance to install some of my installations in more unconventional spaces, such as basements (Infestation 2005) and on stair cases (on liner installation 2004)

For this project I would like to focus my attention on installation and hopefully animation. I want to carry on exploring the themes of obsessive compulsions and multiples from my past work and take it to the next stage in its development. My work is usually influenced by the space that it will be in. I have ideas for projects such as creating my own animated static or using bubble wrap in an installation/performance which are linked to the theme of compulsions and I think may work within this project."