Previous AA2A Artist

Rebecca Gamble

Project summary:

I would like to develop my research and practice in participatory art and performance art, considering interaction and collaboration, and the collective dimension of social experience. I would like to experiment with audio, video, mobile phone technology and VJing. I am interested in developing new ideas about how to incorporate these forms within interactive installations and site-specific interventions.

The contexualisation of my work is very important, I would like to undertake more in depth research into Relational Aesthetics and Cultural Anthropology. Nicolas Bourriaud, author of Relational Aesthetics uses the term ‘relational art’ to describe the artistic practices of meetings, encounters, events, games and various types of collaboration which celebrate human relations and their social context. 

Alike to this work, my work operates in the practical and theoretical sphere of inter-human relationships; bringing into play modes of social exchange, interaction with the viewer, and processes of today’s accessible communication methods, used to bring together individuals.

The AA2A scheme would give me the opportunity to develop my action research methodology into participatory and performance art within a thriving and stimulating academic environment. The time scale of the AA2A scheme would give me the deadlines I need to complete work and I am excited about the possibility to exhibit in a group exhibition with other artists. I would also like the opportunity to meet new artists and possibly form future collaborations.

'Laughing Phone Boxes'
relational information project