Previous AA2A Artist

Michele Fuirer

Project summary:

During the AA2A scheme I have been able to revise my initial project in terms of reconsidering how to work with the idea of a non narrative series of images. I have defined a new approach, I have made several new images and overhauled the presentation concept. As a result, there is less narrative intention in the work than before. The text operates as an overlay and coming between images, introduces the idea of delayed time, or a disruption of the reading.

The time in the Printmaking Department has enabled me to focus more consistently and rigorously upon the issues emerging from the work. As a general benefit, this has opened up more time for reflection on my practice. The working atmosphere of the print room and interaction with students has similarly contributed to my concentration upon purpose.

In addition I have embarked upon a new series of images, leading out of and away from the current project. This is a welcome departure which heralds more work ahead and a fresh take on my work in printmaking.

'Open window Overlay (from the series La Chute/The Fall)'
etching with text overlay on paper - 11 x 13 cm