Previous AA2A Artist

Jennifer Allinson

Project summary:

I am interested in developing wok that uses the elegant fragility of porcelain / paperclay in conjunction with rich velvet and cold aluminium. I think this would be a beautiful and resonant combination of materials, and indeed an exciting next step after the completion of my last piece ‘Winter Flowers’. I am interested developing the series of work ‘Contraptions’. These sculptures ‘sculptures to wear’, were fully functioning – clamping, fixing and extending in order to restrict the body’s movements in a specific way. The resulting collection is quite intimidating, cold and uncomfortable to wear.

I would now like to take the work in a new direction, developing a human shell / body armour – using the aluminium as an exoskeleton to hold, link and reinforce the fragile ceramic plates. I would very much like to line the shell with a red velvet (making the armour plush, beautiful and jewellery like to wear) and see if when lit from the inside the translucency of the ceramic would glow in pink tones like skin.

I am excited about pushing the boundries with the materials and understand what a golden opportunity the AA2A scheme offers in enabling me to realise this project. 

'Winter Flowers'

aluminium, silk rubber, acrylic, ribbon, cotter pins, springs, nuts, bolts, screws.- 18 x 15cm