Previous AA2A Artist

Jane Southgate

Project summary:

I have recently become very interested in the idea of creating sculptural spaces or environments that are almost private/secret in content but are partially exposed to the viewer, as in Louise Bourgeois’ “cells”. Similarly there is something about the ambiguity of Claire Barclay’s installations and the use of very particular materials and details that fascinates me, they hint at a narrative yet do not easily yield one. This opportunity will allow me to further my investigations into their work and endeavour to make an installation of my own using these sensibilities as my guide.

My aim is to move out of my small scale mainly textile based work into an area that interests me but that I have no experience of producing myself. Being able to use equipment not normally available to me, having greater space in which to work, and time in which to experiment with these ideas, will enable me to make this transition. Both Louise Bourgeois and Claire Barclay produce great works through the sum of many parts, creating a coherent powerful single piece. My aim is to investigate this process and then use it myself to create a space that allows the mind and spirit freedom but not the body.

'You put my tears in bottles'
crocheted mercerized cotton and glass marbles