Previous AA2A Artist

Emma Summers

Project summary:

Throughout history, objects have been used as symbols. These symbols come in many shapes and forms; as political tools, reminders of past events, symbols of hope over adversity, evidence of atrocities and brutality.

My previous work has been concerned with known conventions in storytelling through objects, literature and photography, as well as more experimental, theatrical concepts of performance and installation.

My aim is to draw a viewer in to a story via the pieces created, in a similar way as theatre or film uses objects to involve the audience or to encapsulate a symbol or an emotion.

Through the AA2A studio scheme I have explored initial research ideas from everyday objects I collected from a recent five-week residency at Sanskriti Kendra in New Delhi as well as casting new forms found back in the UK.

This installation is the first of a series of works created from my research period in India. This project has been funded through The Arts Council of England, the installation is to be exhibited in Delhi at the Sanskriti Kendra in November 2008.