Previous AA2A Artist

Ceri Allen

Project summary:

For many years I have been working on a recurring theme, that of the figure in a mainly urban environment. I am interested in creating a sense of place and often a sense of darkness and isolation. My work has almost entirely been in the form of direct oil painting on canvas working from preparatory sketches, photographs and memories. Often the work is small scale - as in a sense, much that is observed in life is like a snap shot.

For some time I have felt that due to the ‘graphic’ almost monochrome appearance of my current work, it lends itself to print but I have not been able to fully pursue this medium for many years due to lack of equipment and space.

I am interested in expanding the possiblities of my subject matter, exploring techniques which I haven’t used for some time and learning some new ones, in a stimulating environment. The end goal would be a series of prints, in particular etchings, based on this theme for future exhibitions.

To have the use of facilities at the art college to develop my work would be invaluable to the progress of my ideas.

I have 24 years experience as a practising, exhibiting artist and I feel my experience would also be of benefit to students at the college. I am sure I would also benefit from the views and ideas about my work from students.

Etching and Aquatint . Size 17cm x 35cm