Previous AA2A Artist

Alexandra Selwyn-Gray

AA2A host:
Project summary:

The residency has been of great value to me as it has allowed me to create two major pieces, for which I needed to work across several departments. The staff was very helpful and accommodating and I have found the experience very enriching and inspiring.

The first piece was a performance piece captured on video, which is called ‘Moments of Being’. It portrays a series of initiation rituals of a Shamaness, some fictional other based on an extensive research. It was initially inspired by some of Emily Dickenson’s poems; Dickenson was very influenced by shamanism. It is one of the earliest faiths and is a tradition which is still practiced in many countries all over the world.

During the residency I creating the ritual clothing, choreography and lighting design and finally made use of the professional editing suite to create the video. The video was filmed with the help of several final year film students at the Arts Depot, which is also part of Barnet College - where they teach drama and dance. It has been very exciting to be able to work in a professional theatre environment, which I hope will lead to future collaborations.

I also had the opportunity to make a video called ‘A Real Nun’, which was inspired by experiences I had last year at a fellowship in Rome.

The final project was a land art piece, which is made up of many different sizes of fossils cast in recyclable glass and concrete, this is situated around a pond.

'A Real Nun'
video still